How I SetUp a FC Target on Linux
1. Install Fedora 23 & targetcli
Install Fedora 23. Use yum to install the following packages:
yum install targetcli
yum install scsi-target-utils
Install Fedora 23. Use yum to install the following packages:
yum install targetcli
yum install scsi-target-utils
2. Configure your FC HBA as a target (not initiator)
cat /sys/module/qla2xxx/parameters/qlini_mode
It should say ‘disabled’. If it doesn’t, create a file called /usr/lib/modprobe.d/qla2xxx.conf and put:
options qla2xxx qlini_mode=disabled
in it. Then, run ‘dracut -f’ to rebuild your initrd, and reboot.
targetcli won’t let you create a qla2xxx fabric if qlini_mode is wrong.